December 2019 Chirps and Squawks

Highlights from November 4th Board Meeting

  • Jan Metzmaker is coordinating the development of a consistent approach to acknowledgments of gifts, grants, and donations.
  • Kay Mitchell reported that we received a $2000 matching grant from Flathead Conservation District to use in OSNA in our efforts to control invasives.
  • Denny Olson is nearly finished with the educational trail guide for the new classroom trail in OSNA.  He is also investigating ways to use student groups to set up the monitoring of environmental DNA (eDNA) in OSNA.
  • Carole Jorgenson encourages people to be informed and/or take action on 2 major conservation issues: the bill and funding of the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, and the proposed road building in the Tongass National Forest in Alaska.

Volunteer opportunities

Educational Trunk Ambassadors: We need some individuals who could specialize on one trunk, to deliver and introduce them to classrooms when requested by teachers. You’ll receive training and your time commitment is whatever you can give!

School field trip assistants: Shadow Denny Olson on school field trips to Owen Sowerwine Natural Area and then lead trips when you’re comfortable.

Owen Sowerwine Natural Area maintenance: help on OSNA trail rerouting, building natural brush blinds at observation points, constructing deer exclosures, and continual buckthorn control efforts. Flexible time commitment.

Call our Education Coordinator, Denny Olson, at 249-3987, or contact at to get details on any of these opportunities.

Learn Cool Stuff About Birds

Birds in Our Lives

Continuing Education Center
Flathead Valley Community College
Class Time: 6:00-8:00 PM
Day:  Tuesdays
Dates: February 4, 11, March 3, 10,17,24,31; April 7,14, 21
Instructor: Dr David A. Manuwal, Board member, Flathead Audubon Society. For more information contact him at

Don’t Forget to Use Amazon Smile for Your Holiday Shopping

Amazon Smile donates to your selected charity for every purchase.  Here’s the URL for the Amazon Smile sign-in page: You use the same email and password as regular Amazon. Once you sign in, click the 3 horizontal lines in the upper left and scroll all the way to the bottom where it says “Your Amazon Smile.” That is where you choose the charity you want to have Amazon donate to. If you bookmark the sign-in page, you can always go right to Smile.

Winter Field Trips

Watch the FAS website and our monthly email for upcoming “short-notice” field trips when the weather looks promising.

The holidays are just around the corner, which also means Christmas Bird Counts will soon be here. There will be no other field trips in December as we all focus on the great opportunities to join in with one or more of the many CBCs happening in our area (See dates on page 4). Look to the new year for an exciting lineup of field trip adventures especially through the spring and summer and as weather allows in January and February. Also, see Josh Covill’s suggestions for good birding locations for this time of year (page 4). Audubon Field Trips are a great way to experience, ID, and learn about the birds that can be encountered as we explore our local landscapes together. All ages and birding abilities are invited to come share in these adventures. Watch the January Pileated Post, as well as this site, for new field trip opportunities coming soon.

We are always open to new ideas and good birding and wildlife viewing spots.  Even our own backyards are a wonderful place to learn and share with other birders. It is a wonderful way especially to share with children–up close and personal! And we encourage new field trip leaders. Contact Kathy at or 837-3837 with new ideas or to help out. We will be happy to answer any questions and help you to find ways to learn more about our feathered friends and share our love of birds with others.