December 2022 Program – The Pribilof Islands: the “Galapagos” of the North

presented by Erick Greene

Erick Greene is Professor Emeritus in the Division of Biological Sciences and in the Wildlife Biology Program at The University of Montana.  He grew up in Quebec, Canada, with twin passions for music and nature. Erick dropped out of high school and lived for a year in the Galapagos Islands, working as a researcher on Darwin’s Finches. He then worked on seabirds 800 miles north of the Arctic Circle with the Canadian Wildlife Service. He returned for undergraduate studies at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he studied biology, music and mathematics, and then received a PhD from Princeton University. He was the Director of UM’s Bird Ecology Lab, and has broad interests in ecology, evolution and conservation. Erick will be talking about his experiences in the Pribilof Islands during the summer of 2022.

We will be continuing our hybrid meetings through the winter for those that may not want to drive in wintry conditions. For those coming to the meeting, on December 12 we’ll meet in Room 26 of the Gateway Mall (United Way building) at 7 PM. This room is on the east side of the building along Glenwood Rd in Kalispell. Look for our banner hanging outside. 

For those joining virtually, check your Pileated Post for the link or email us at for the link. You should eventually be let into a “waiting room” where you will then be added to the meeting by the host. Please sign in with your name when you enter the room so we know to admit you. You will be muted when you first join the meeting. You can use your computer’s microphone and speakers (most computers have both, whether you see them or not), and this is the preferred way to join.

You can also get an audio connection to the meeting without the Zoom visual capability by using the phone number and passcode.