December 2015 Chirps and Squawks

Fall Birding In the Flathead with Craig Hohenberger

By Kathy Ross

You may not think of November as a time to be out birding, but fall migration always can have a few surprises even in November.

The November 8 FAS field trip led by Craig Hohenberger was no exception. Long-billed Dowitchers, increasing numbers of Tundra Swans, a Ruddy Duck, and Wood Ducks were some of the highlights. Roughly 30 species were found by the 10 avid birders who participated. An interesting surprise on a Lower Valley pond was a frolicking River Otter.

Thank you Craig and all the bird enthusiasts who joined in for a great morning of birding!

Flathead Audubon Field Trips

Watch the January and February Pileated Posts — and the Flathead Audubon web site — for winter field trip offerings to Mission and Flathead/Smith Valleys. And the Great Backyard Bird Watch will be coming up in February!

If you would like to share your favorite birding area with others, we love to have new field trip leaders. Experience as field trip leader is not required, just your enthusiasm and love for the birds you know and their habitats. Everyone shares their knowledge on field trips and we all learn together! Contact Kathy Ross, 837-3837, or Gael Bissell, 755- 8709, if you would like to lead a field trip. Please to let us know no later than the 10th of the month before you would like to lead a trip so that we can announce it in The Pileated Post.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you to Jan Wassink

Jan Wassink has resigned from Flathead Audu- bon’s Board of Directors. His work is taking him out of the Flathead and so he is unable to attend board meetings. Jan was in his second elected term on the Board.
We will miss Jan’s always upbeat attitude and thoughtful contributions to board discussions.
We thank him warmly for his service to FAS.

Highlights from November 2015 Board Meeting

  • Heard report on Owen Sowerwine committee activities including a very active weed subcommittee.
  • Heard treasurer’s report for mid-fiscal year,income and expenses are different than last year.
  • Learned that the traditional December General Meeting Program on the Christmas Bird Count will be presented by Craig Hohenberger and Pete Fisher this year.
  • Watched a presentation on the Jewel Basin Hawk Watch by Dan Casey and Joe Batts. It was a very successful season.
  • The Field Trip Committee reports that they are looking for field trip leaders for next year.
  • Approved proposed changes to FAS website as developed by Jake Bramante, Co-Chair of the Website Committee.
  • Approved $500 donation to Harlequin Duck research project in Glacier National Park.

FAS Board challenges you

In the spirit of the holiday season, and with the conviction that “leaders should lead by example,” each of your directors and officers is making a year-end dona- tion to Flathead Audubon. The Board is challenging our membership to beat the board members’ total! Board members have until December 18 to make their donation. Members have until December 31.

If you receive The Pileated Post by mail, you will find a donation envelope inside, ready for your contribution. If you are reading our digital version, use the DONATE button on the FAS web site; just click HERE to get to the page with that button (at bottom of page.)

Keep in mind that we are a non-profit chapter. Our projects are supported by your donations. Your contribution
is fully tax deductible and will be used carefully and locally. Thanks for answering the challenge!

We need your email address!

Currently we do not have e-mail addresses for most national members of the Audubon Society as well as some local members. We would like to have as many such addresses as possible both for Pileated Post purposes and to alert members of significant local events.

Please send us your email address even if you wish to continue receiving the newsletter by mail. Send the address to Mike Fanning, We do not share email addresses with anyone.

Thank you for helping FAS perform its mission.