by Gail Shay Linne, Education Chair
The Education Committee has had a productive year. I wish to recognize and thank our members for their expertise and commitment in meeting our education goals. They are Renee Cortes, Linda de Kort, Amy Jacobs, Kathy Ross, Rod Wallette and Pam Willison. A special thanks to Conservation Educator Denny Olson for his resourcefulness, program development and boundless energy on our behalf.
Our educational trunk programs are facilitated by a cadre of Ambassadors who provide help by shuttling trunks to schools and other organizations and / or presenting trunk programs. They are Rod Wallette, Linda de Kort, Carole Jorgensen, Pat Jaquith, Barbara Boorman, Shannon Harper Donaldson, Jennifer Dodan, Sue Crawford, Pam Willison, Sue Swab, and Jeanne Olsen.
President Kay Mitchell called for volunteers at our April general meeting. Thanks to the following members who will help with spring activities. They are:
- ARBOR DAY: Carole Jorgensen
- EARTH DAY: Connie Cohen, Carole Jorgensen, Tina Zenzola
- FAMILY FORESTRY EXPO: Bridger (Shannon) Donaldson, Nancy Gresham
2019-2020 Strategic Plan
The committee evaluated the 2018-2019 Strategic Plan at our March meeting. The 2019-2020 Plan was developed during our April meeting. Results of this planning will be presented to the FAS Board during their May board meeting. The final plan will be available on the FAS website upon board approval.
We welcome Flathead Audubon members to join us reach our education goals. Please contact Denny Olson or me if you are interested in helping.