Eureka CBC 2017 Report

by Lewis Young, compiler

The 25th annual Eureka Christmas Bird Count was held on Saturday, December 16 in mild weather that ranged from 22F to 35F. Twenty-two field observers and 15 feeder watchers recorded 69 species and 2779 individual birds. The 69 species were the second highest total in our history.

Three new species were reported on count day—Northern Shoveler, White-winged Scoter and Chipping Sparrow (note:  CBC reviewers did not accept the Chipping Sparrow report). Record high counts were recorded for Redhead (10), American Coot (14), Killdeer (22), Eurasian Collared-dove (139),European Starling (125), Blue Jay (8), Red-breasted Nuthatch (126), Pygmy Nuthatch (24), and Brown Creeper (10).

Canada Goose (331) was the most numerous species observed and other most common birds included Common Raven (212), Wild Turkey (210), and Black-capped Chickadee (181). Only 1-3 individuals were seen for 20 species such as American Wigeon, Ring-necked Duck, Lesser Scaup, Western Grebe, and Golden Eagle.

For only the second time in count history, a Prairie Falcon was sighted and for only the 3rd time, Red-naped Sapsuckers. Horned Grebe was seen only during count week.

Thanks to all the participants for making this another enjoyable CBC!