FAS First Members to be Honored at February Meeting

by Linda Winnie

The first published list of Flathead Audubon members appeared in March 1977 — in the very first issue of the new Flathead Audubon Society newsletter. It is a list of all who were members by the end of February 1977 – 40 years ago this month.

The list includes two different groups. One is all the National Audubon Society members who lived in the membership area of the Flathead Audubon Society when it was formed. They automatically became members of the new Flathead Audubon Society.

The second consists of people who were recruited for membership after Flathead Audubon was started. When in January 1977 the Bigfork Bird Club voted to turn itself into an Audubon Chapter, one of the first things it was required to do was to recruit 35 new members for National Audubon. By the end of February – about one month later, 23 of those new members had been signed up and by sometime in March the required 35 new members had been found.

The list of first FAS members published in 1977 combines both of these groups, making a total 0f 109 members. Note that some “members” consist of a couple, and in one case, a family, so there were actually at least 120 people on board.

At the upcoming February meeting of FAS we will honor all of these first FAS members.

We are hoping to get as many first members as possible to attend this meeting. If your name is on the first member list, please try to come in February. And if you know someone on the list, please urge them to come.

The First Membership List of the Flathead Audubon Society—1977


Mrs. Louise Abell

David Agner

Art Aylesworth

Stan Bernal

Ilse Bailey

Victoria M Baker

Betty Bartlet

Barbara Baxter

LA Bibler

William C Bierrman

Marcy & Bill Bishop

John Bissell

Ladd Bjorneby

WA Blood (Lex)

Barbara Boorman

Mrs WD Brewer

Virginia Brobst

Joan L Brownell

Kristin Bruninga

Sue Buchel

Randy Byrne

David & Holly Castor

Dick & Maxine Conway

Dr Robert B Cotner

Jerome S DeSanto

Roy Dimond

F Divita

Helen M Dresen

Daniel Dejong

Dr Muriel Edwards

Robert Gildart

Marie Gaiser

Elizabeth Graff

Eugene E Graf

Keith Green

Elvira Gornick


[/threecol_one] [threecol_one]

Dr John Frazer

Robert Hanger

David Harriman

Dr & Mrs R Hastings

Mrs CJ Henry

Mr. RA Hern

Agnes Hopke

Dennis Hester

Wanda Jamieson

Douglas Johns

Mrs K Johnston

Dr & Mrs MEK Johnson

Jeff & Elly Jones

Mrs Glenn Johnston

Diane Julum

Arden E Joy

Antionette Jungster

Sara Kane

Jane Kapler

Dr Loren Kreck

Mrs Clyde Lockwood

Jerry R Long

Robert Lopp

Mrs Gregory Luduc

Con Lundgren

Robert Lundgren

Olga McLaughlin

Daniel R Miller

Dennis Newby

Linda Noble

Marie Nooar

Evelyn Ober

Jim Ofstad

Daniel Paschke

Nancy Paul (Trembath)

Oscar O Pederson

[/threecol_one] [threecol_one_last]

Charles Potter

William Rinck

Betty Rose

Newton Reed

Barbara Richardson

“Doug” & Jean Robocker

Mr & Mrs H Robocker

Arthur Sedlack

David Shaner

Charles R Shelton

Fay E Smith

Speer Family

Elmer Sprunger

John Stebbins

Paul R Strong

Mae Sudan

Dan & Karen Sullivan

JE Taplin

Mrs George Taylor

Corliss H. Thomas

Debby Thomas

James Thormahlen

Rick Trembath

Lillian Tubb

Allen Tudor

Jack & Ruth White

Jack & Ursula Whitney

Steve Wirt

Betty Violette

Mrs. R. C. Wallace

David Walter

Rexford Webster

Mr & Mrs Steven West

George Widener

Chester P Yost
