February 2019 Chirps and Squawks

Highlights from January 7, 2019 Board Meeting 

  • Jake Bramante attended the Business of Outdoor Recreation Summit, which is coordinated by the Governor’s Office of Outdoor Recreation. He reported on several ways in which we might assist people in becoming more aware of Flathead Audubon, and our programs and activities.
  • Kathy Ross is coordinating a committee to work with FWP to plan and install native plantings at the new West Valley viewing area.
  • Gael Bissell and Kathy Ross met with FWP to continue efforts to improve our ability to conduct a thorough Jewel Basin Hawk Watch next fall. 
  • Cory Davis reported that the field trip committee is busy setting the schedule for field trips for the coming spring and summer.
  • Conservation Educator Denny Olson reported on his progress on the bird education and mentoring program, the Education Ambassador training held that afternoon, and the upcoming “Birds Rock” video.

Lois Drobish Celebration of Life

Lois Drobish’s family invites everyone to a Celebration of Lois’s Life on Sunday, February 17, 11:30 am, at the Glacier Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1515 Trumble Creek Road, Kalispell.

The Celebration with begin with a Memorial, where family and friends can share their memories of Lois. Please bring your favorite Lois story to tell. Following this there will be a potluck. Lois oversaw Flathead Audubon’s end-of-year potlucks for 20 years. We thank her family for organizing this one in her memory.


You Can Be Part Of The Team—Every Bird Counts

The 22nd annual Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC) takes place February 15-18, 2019. The GBBC is a free, fun and easy nationwide event that engages bird appreciators of all ages in counting birds to create a real time snapshot of bird populations around the world. Participants are ask to count birds for as little as 15 minutes or spend the day (as long as you wish) on one or more days of the four-day event and then report their sightings on line at birdcount.org. All the instructions to participate are on this website, along with lots of bird-wise information and a photo contest you can enter. Anyone can take part in the GBBC from beginning bird watchers to experts and you can participate from your own backyard or any where around the world. If you know a local teacher in the valley, consider FAS Adopt-a-School (or classroom) program. The GBBC is a great way to engage young people in the world around them. For more information contact Kathy @837-3837. Become a Citizen Scientist in your own backyard. You count, every bird counts!

2019 Wings Across the Big Sky Bird Festival

Montana Audubon will host its 20th annual Wings Across the Big Sky bird festival at the Cottonwood Inn, in Glasgow on June 7th-9th, 2019! This longstanding, community event celebrates Montana’ native bird species and typically draws hundreds of wildlife enthusiasts from across the state and beyond. For 2019 the festival lead sponsor is American Prairie Reserve (APR).

         Numerous field trips are in the works that highlight the remarkable grassland habitats of Montana’s highline. The keynote address will be presented on Friday evening by Sean Gerrity, American Prairie Reserve founder, who will discuss the importance of the project to Montana’s grassland birds and other species. Additional speakers will discuss conservation issues affecting this ecologically unique region. Native prairies are some of the most threatened habitats on earth: in North America, just over one-percent remains undeveloped. Montana’s glaciated plains landscape contains large areas of intact grasslands along with the stunning and fragile birdlife these habitats support. Montana Audubon is proud to host its 20th bird festival in this beautiful, wildlife-rich area of our state.

There are many other fun activities to choose from at Wings Across the Big Sky including a Saturday evening banquet, Montana Audubon’s annual conservation awards, “Nature Adventure Tour” silent auction, “Cakes for Conservation” fundraiser and more. For more information, visit the Montana Audubon website: www.mtaudubon.org or call 406.443.3949.

Bird Festival in Washington

SAVE THE DATE: Olympic Birdfest, April 12-14, 2019. Enjoy guided birding trips, boat tours, live auction, raffle, gala banquet, and more. Our featured speaker: John Marzluff, professor of wildlife science at the University of Washington and author. Join our festival pre-trip: a three-day, two-night birding/sightseeing cruise of the San Juan Islands, April 9-11, 2019 or extend your festival with our Neah Bay post-trip on April 14-16, 2019: three days exploring northwest coastal Washington. To learn more and register, visit www.olympicbirdfest.org.