February 2021 Chirps and Squawks

Highlights from the December 7, 2020 Board of Directors Meeting

  • Treasurer Rod Wallette will complete the Montana Audubon Wildlife Grant application, which would be used to help fund Jewel Basin Hawk Watch 2021.
  • Larry Berrin, Executive Director for Montana Audubon, joined the meeting to update on the status of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. The final Environmental Impact Statement allows some troubling exceptions to protections for birds, and it appears it will be pushed through without opportunity for comment or changes.  It’s possible it could get stalled by legal action by some organization. Focus has shifted to working on the Migratory Bird Protection Act with the new administration.
  • Tom and Cindy Roberts are working with Denny Olson to plan the publicity for the release of the new educational video Bird Trouble!, and the accompanying discussion guide.
  • Cory Davis reported that the OSNA negotiation team set a timeline for all the steps needed in order to complete a conservation easement through Flathead Land Trust.

Highlights from the January 4, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting

  • Darcy Thomas was appointed to the FAS Board of Directors, and will serve as Chair of the Refuges Committee. Welcome Darcy!
  • The final reports for the 2020 Jewel Basin Hawk Watch and the state COVID grant for non-profits, as well as the FAS tax return, are all on track to be completed and submitted by their due dates.
  • The process has started to complete the 2021 application to participate in Great Fish.
  • A membership working group held a meeting (online), and divided up the tasks to complete to work toward making the handling of memberships more efficient and functional.

Thank You Mary and Tom Nelesen

We have learned that Tom and Mary Nelesen will be moving from the Valley. Flathead Audubon would like to thank them for their long time support of FAS and service to the chapter. Mary was Donations Chair from many years, arranging donations and grants for FAS from individuals and non-profits in the Valley. She also organized fund raising projects such as FAS sale of birdseed through the local Western Building stores and FAS sale of canvas bags sporting our Pileated logo. And she wrote many splendid Bird of the Month columns for the Pileated Post

Mary and Tom, Thank You for your generous support and service to Flathead Audubon. We will miss you. We wish you the very best in your new adventure.