Highlights from the January 2, 2023 Board of Directors Meeting

  • Treasurer Rod Wallette explained that the donations for Owen Sowerwine are being handled so that all money goes toward the Conservation Easement. He also made motions to update the officers listed on the checking and savings accounts, and these were approved by the Board.
  • Bob Lee stepped down as our Representative to the Montana Audubon Board because he was elected to an office. Gael Bissell will take over as our Representative, with Cory Davis as alternate.
  • Linda DuLac is coordinating an effort to have each committee chair document the what, how, and when of their positions. This provides critical documentation, and makes it easier for new people to transition into a position. There are several committee chair positions open, and an active search is underway to fill them.
  • A list of fundraising activities related to the Conservation Easement for Owen Sowerwine had been compiled, the ideas were discussed, and volunteers are starting work on some of them.
  • Cindy Roberts reported that the Education Committee is meeting to start reviewing the strategic plan, and to discuss improving access to the education kits.


Wings Across the Big Sky, the annual Montana birding festival, will be June 9-11, 2023, at the Heritage Inn, Great Falls, MT.  The festival is being organized by Montana Audubon and this year’s local host chapter, Upper Missouri Breaks Audubon. Stay tuned for more information in the coming months.