January 2016 Chirps and Squawks

Highlights from December 2015 Board Meeting:

  • Heard that 2 grants have been received for the Conservation Education program.
  • Agreed to update the signatories on Flathead Audubon financial accounts.
  • Approved an addition of a Jewel Basin Hawkwatch item to the Education Strategic Plan.
  • Approved offering the Conservation Educator contract for the remainder of the fiscal year to Lisa Flowers.
  • Heard report from the Calendar committee that work is underway to assess whether to do a calendar next year and if so, what the theme and content would be.
  • Heard report that several field trips are planned for the upcoming months.
  • Approved funding (approximately $500) to print 1000 brochures to be widely distributed describing the hazards of bailing twine to ospreys.
  • Heard report that the website has been greatly modified and improved with further changes planned.
  • Heard report that all general meeting programs for the rest of the year are arranged.

WEST Valley Naturalists – Presentation by Dick Walker

West Valley Naturalists are thrilled that Dick Walker will be showing us selected photos from his West Valley excursions on Tuesday, January 19. Dick and Pam have been combing the woodlands and wetlands of the West Valley area for over a decade and have gathered photos of wildlife (feathered and furred) from all the seasons. The program will begin at 7 PM in the West Valley School Library (2290 Farm to Market Road). There is no charge and all are welcome. It will be fascinating to see what gems have been hidden in the landscape that Dick has captured on film. Hopefully we will all come away with a notion of how to sharpen our own skills to observe the treasures in our own back yard.

Owen Sowerwine Questionnaire Boxes

Ricks pic visitor box edNew at Owen Sowerwine Natural Area are two questionnaire boxes, one located at the kiosk inside the Treasure Lane entrance, and the other at the head of the Greenridge Lane entrance. When you visit OSNA, please take a moment to fill out the questionnaire.

Our goal is to get a better understanding of how many people are visiting OSNA and how they are using the area. Comments and suggestions will also help us do a better job of managing OSNA and help us plan for the future.

A big thank you to Rick Mace, who made the boxes and put them in place.

How about switching to EPost?

We recently emailed a sample of the Electronic Version of the Post to many who are still receiving it in paper form, urging all to switch from the paper version to the electronic – and got a great response! THANKS to all who agreed to make the switch. If you did not get a sample, it’s because we don’t have your email address. If you’d like a sample EPost just contact Linda Winnie at lindawin@centurytel.net. And remember your email address is safe with us. We do not share email addresses with anyone – ever.

There are lots of advantages to the EPost including 1) it’s in color, 2) usually comes earlier, and 3) saves trees and money—about $20 per member per year.

We can – and will – email a copy to each family member if you like.

High Alpine—2016 Flathead Audubon Calendar

High Alpine Phenology CalendarHIGH ALPINE Flathead Audubon’s 2016 phenology calendar, is still available for purchase. It makes a great gift anytime! All proceeds go to support the Conservation Education Program.

HIGH ALPINE is a must for every outdoor enthusiast. It is a calendar about Glacier National Park’s tough and fragile terrain. It contains beautiful photos of local animals and plants, reminders of a host of Flathead Audubon activities, a chronology of natural happenings in northwest Montana with an entry for almost every day of the year, and even suggests outdoor activities for every weekend.

HIGH ALPINE is available for purchase at Flathead Audubon meetings. It can also be picked up at many locations throughout the valley. The cost is only $15 or $20 with shipping and handling.