January 2019 Chirps and Squawks

Highlights from December 3rd, 2018 Board Meeting

  • Kay Mitchell reported that a group of 4th-6th grade girls named “Girls Who Code” are working on a project to make the bird call CD’s downloadable for mobile use.
  • Denny Olson and the Education Committee will start some preliminary work on creating a mentoring program between older and younger students, by doing fact-finding, brain-storming curriculum, and holding discussions with school principals. A Murdock Foundation grant would be sought to fund this undertaking.
  • The Grants Committee is working on Jewel Basin Hawk Watch for next year, and on maintenance and trail plans for Owen-Sowerwine Natural Area.
  • Jake Bramante and Joe Batts having been doing work to ensure that data, accounts, and websites for FAS have security that is up-to-date.

Flathead Audubon Support Options

With the new tax law changes, many people are struggling to figure out how they can support their favorite nonprofit groups in other ways than a cash donation. Although I (Kay Mitchell, President) am definitely not a lawyer or CPA, over the next few Pileated Post issues, I will try to pass on a few methods that might help you translate your support for Flathead Audubon into a contribution that keeps your budget in the black.

This month’s suggestion is to name Flathead Audubon in your will. It seems simple and it is. Ask your attorney to list Flathead Audubon as a recipient of a bit of your estate. You pick the size of the “bit.” It is usually easier to name a percent than a dollar amount, so that when you win the lottery, all of your beneficiary amounts automatically adjust. 

You will need the following information:

Flathead Audubon Society
P.O. Box 9173
Kalispell, MT 59904

Tax ID #: 81-0447830

Protect the birds from your cat

Check out https://www.birdsbesafe.com/ for a commercial cat collar that may help significantly reduce the number of birds caught by cats.

Rally For Public Lands:  12 PM, January 11th, Capitol Rotunda, Helena

Rally with fellow Montanans in celebration of our outdoor way of life and to stop private interests from seizing and exploiting our public lands! Many of the special landscapes where we view wildlife, hike, hunt, fish and spend some of our most meaningful time in are public lands. These places are the foundation of Montana’s $7 billion outdoor economy, provide critical habitat for fish and wildlife and offer irreplaceable opportunities for solitude and recreation.

Montana Audubon is part of a statewide coalition to keep public lands in public hands!  We’re coordinating rides to the rally from communities around the state. If you can attend, please let us know.

You can also add your voice to this effort to defend the future of our public lands by filling out the Public Lands Pledge found on our website.

Find out more by visiting the Montana Audubon web site at:  https://mtaudubon.org/