January 2024 Chirps and Squawks

Highlights from the December 4, 2023 Board of Directors Meeting

  • Dee Baginski, Operations Coordinator, is working with Jason Garver, Jake Bramante, and others to research and price some options for FAS merchandise.
  • The Board approved the new Mission Statement which was rewritten to be one sentence.
  • Bob Lee gave a report from the Montana Audubon Board, noting that the dates for the state festival, Wings Across The Big Sky, will be May 31 June 2, 2024.
  • Cindy Roberts reported that some of the Learning Kits are being used in classrooms, with the Snowy Owl being the most popular.
  • There was discussion about the need for a comprehensive plan for the removal of invasive buckthorn, including follow up solutions for small buckthorn and sprouts, and possible restoration of affected areas. It was noted that this may require some professional assistance.
  • The new application process and information for Group Use in Owen Sowerwine were reviewed. These will be posted to the FAS website once they are finalized.