Co-presented by Jami Belt and Jess Garby

Glacier National Park (GNP) hosts a large diversity of birds, and few are as charismatic as two of our top level predators – the Common Loon and Golden Eagle. While these birds inhabit very different haunts, both come to GNP as summer breeding residents and exist in very small, tenuous populations. We will share what we have learned about Common Loons since we began monitoring them using citizen science in 2006. We will also share some highlights about Golden Eagle migration monitoring from our Mount Brown Hawk Watch program.
Jami Belt is a biologist at GNP and has led Glacier’s Citizen Science Program for the Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center since 2006. Prior to that she worked at the Glacier Institute. She holds a wildlife biology master’s degree from the University of Montana.
Jess Garby is an emerging voice in avian conservation, focusing her studies on migrating raptors of the West. Jess has worked extensively as a Hawk Counter and a Raptor Trapper in various Montana locations and has assisted in studying the summering population of Turkey Vultures in the Missoula area. She currently works as a Biology Assistant for the Crown of the Continent Research Learning Center in GNP.

We will continue our hybrid meetings this month and continue for the remainder of the year. For those coming to the meeting on January 8th, we’ll meet in Room 26 of the Gateway Mall (United Way building) at 7pm. This room is on the east side of the building along Glenwood Drive in Kalispell. Look for our banner hanging outside.
For those who wish to join virtually, email us at to get the link. Click on the link and you will be let into a “waiting room” where you will then be added to the meeting by the host. Please sign in with your name when you enter the room so we know to admit you. You will be muted when you first join the meeting. You can use your computer’s microphone and speakers (most computers have both), and this is the preferred way to join. You can also get an audio connection to the meeting without the Zoom visual capability by using your phone.
Videos of previous presentations are available on our Videos page.
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