Kalispell CBC 2016 Report

by Pete Fisher

The 18th annual Kalispell Christmas Bird Count (CBC) was held on January 1, 2017.  Twenty-eight intrepid field observers braved wind and drifting snow to count 75 species of bird. Four feeder watchers contributed data as well.

Major highlights were an Iceland Gull at the Flathead Dump and a Northern Saw-whet Owl at the Treasure Lane access point to Owen Sowerine Natural Area.  Both were second ever sightings for this CBC.

Also, two new species were added to the Kalispell CBC list.  Three Trumpeter Swans were discovered in the Egan Slough region and a single female Ruddy Duck was present in Evergreen.  This brings the all-time total number of species to 127!

Several all-time records were broken as well.  We counted the most ever Golden Eagles (3), Merlins (14),

Eurasian Collared Doves (708), American Robins (206), European Starlings (2061), Dark-eyed Juncos (331) and Pine Siskins (228).

Birds that were conspicuous by their absences were Gray Jay, Steller’s Jay and American Dipper.

Thanks to all that participated! And Happy New Year!

  1. Great Blue Heron 5
  2. Trumpeter Swan 3
  3. Snow Goose 1
  4. Canada Goose 761
  5. Wood Duck 3
  6. Green-winged Teal 1
  7. Mallard 1368
  8. Gadwall 1
  9. Common Goldeneye 20
  10. Bufflehead 25
  11. Hooded Merganser 7
  12. Common Merganser 14
  13. Ruddy Duck 1
  14. Bald Eagle 86
  15. Northern Harrier 3
  16. Sharp-shinned Hawk 7
  17. Cooper’s Hawk 1
  18. Red-tailed Hawk 38
  19. Rough-legged Hawk 19
  20. American Kestrel 1
  21. Merlin 14
  22. Prairie Falcon 1
  23. Gray Partridge 15
  24. Ring-necked Pheasant 153
  25. Ruffed Grouse 1
  26. Wild Turkey 164
  27. American Coot 1
  28. Wilson’s Snipe 1
  29. Ring-billed Gull 1
  30. Herring Gull 18
  31. Thayer’s Gull 1
  32. Iceland Gull 1
  33. Rock Pigeon 169
  34. Eurasian Collared Dove 708
  35. Mourning Dove 203
  36. Great Horned Owl 1
  37. Northern Saw-whet Owl 1
  38. Belted Kingfisher 8
  39. Downy Woodpecker 33
  40. Hairy Woodpecker 11
  41. Northern Flicker 218
  42. Pileated Woodpecker 7
  43. Blue Jay 49
  44. Clark’s Nutcracker 3
  45. Black-billed Magpie 300
  46. American Crow 153
  47. Common Raven 453
  48. Black-capped Chickadee 587
  49. Mountain Chickadee 111
  50. Red-breasted Nuthatch 80
  51. White-breasted Nuthatch 4
  52. Pygmy Nuthatch 29
  53. Brown Creeper 5
  54. Golden-crowned Kinglet 22
  55. Townsend’s Solitaire 6
  56. American Robin 206
  57. Bohemian Waxwing 6489
  58. Cedar Waxwing 54
  59. Northern Shrike 2
  60. European Starling 2061
  61. American Tree Sparrow 23
  62. Song Sparrow 36
  63. White-throated Sparrow 1
  64. Harris’ Sparrow 1
  65. Dark-eyed Junco 331
  66. Red-winged Blackbird 12
  67. Brewer’s Blackbird 28
  68. Pine Grosbeak 22
  69. Cassin’s Finch 21
  70. House Finch 674
  71. Red Crossbill 134
  72. Common Redpoll 40
  73. Pine Siskin 228
  74. American Goldfinch 34
  75. House Sparrow 400

Other data:

  • Duck species – 81
  • Accipiter species – 1
  • Hawk species – 1
  • Falcon species – 1
  • Gull species – 5
  • Woodpecker species – 1
  • Chickadee species – 6

Total species: 75

Total birds: 17,008