Kalispell CBC 2017 Report

by Pete Fisher, compiler

The 19th annual Kalispell CBC was held on Sunday, December 31. A total of 78 species were counted. This is a respectable number given the harsh weather conditions (subzero temperatures, up to 3 feet of snow).

The count’s first ever Northern Shoveler was found as well as the second ever Common Grackle. Record high numbers were reached for Trumpeter Swan (4), Eurasian Collared Dove (749) and Red-breasted Nuthatch (126).

Also, a report of a Snowy Owl was received. The bird was seen at the junction of Batavia Road and Boorman Lane west of Kalispell. This would be the 3rd ever Snowy Owl for this circle.

Birds conspicuous by their absences were Gray Jay, Great Horned Owl and American Dipper.

All in all, it was a good day. Many thanks to the 28 intrepid field observers and the 8 slightly less intrepid feeder watchers that contributed data.