Libby Christmas Bird Count 2015 Results

By: Gene Reckin

Christmas Bird CountThe 46th Libby Christmas b7ird count took place on December 19th with 12 observers. The day was mostly overcast with a low of 25 degrees and a high of 36 with no wind and light to heavy snowfall in the afternoon. Thirty-five species and a total of 1650 birds were counted on a relatively quiet day in our area for birding. Bald Eagles were plentiful with 65 and the Wild Turkey population continues to thrive. There was a conspicuous absence of Dark-eyed Juncos of which none were observed. A special thanks to all participants, especially Jon Jeresek and Mark Mason who floated about 20 miles of the Kootenai River on a slow day for waterfowl but did pick up one Canvasback which is not common to our area.