Look who Pam Willison found hanging out in OSNA the morning of this past May 5.
She was doing a walk through with two women from Flathead Conservation District regarding the grant application for OSNA when she was lucky to spot this elusive bird. Although she had never seen one before she knew exactly what it was, even though it wasn’t making it’s funny dunkadoo sound. This certainly made Pam’s day/week/month!!
A pair of Lesser Goldfinch were seen just outside the entrance to OSNA off Treasure Lane behind the private driveway sign on June 25 by Alex Lamoriaux. The pair was continually calling their short, sad-sounding ‘tleee’ calls of which Alex was able to make a sound recording. He heard at least three more calls inside OSNA proper.
The OSNA bird checklist has been updated in the OSNA section (click on the OSNA Bird List on the right to see the current list). If you have a sighting you would like to report please contact Darcy, darcy@flatheadaudubon.org.
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