Bird Habitat Conservation by Flathead Land Trust and Partners
Our Current Effort to Protect Sandhill Crane Habitat
Laura Katzman of the Flathead Land Trust will be the featured speaker at Flathead Audubon’s meet- ing on Monday, October 10. Laura will talk about bird habitat conservation accomplishments on over 750 acres in the Flathead and Mission valleys completed by Flathead Land Trust and its Flathead River to Lake Initiative partners over the last three years. In addition, Laura will describe Flathead Land Trust’s current efforts to conserve almost 400 acres of crucial Sandhill Crane habitat in the West Valley. The presentation will go into depth about Sandhill Cranes and their life history and habitat needs. Find out about a proposed bird viewing area and education site overlooking a 45-acre pothole wetland in the West Valley and what you can do to help bring the project to fruition.
Laura has been a Land Protection Specialist at Flathead Land Trust for the past six years. She has a Master’s Degree in Fish and Wildlife Management from Montana State University and was formerly a fish biologist with Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks in Thompson Falls and the Forest Service in Troy. She has lived in Kalispell the past eight years, but has been in Montana for 21 years. She has always been interested in birds and has volunteered helping with bird nest surveys and other birding work over the years.
Please join us at 7 PM in the United Way Conference Room of the Gateway Community Center, off US Highway 2 West in Kalispell. The program is free and all are welcome.
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