Recycling News – Plastic Recycling Returns to Kalispell

Valley Recycling is now accepting plastics: #1 bottles (soda and water), and #2 clear only (milk jugs) at their facility at 1410 Highway 2 W, Kalispell (just west of the by-pass entrances).

The two types of plastic must be separated; two outside collection bins are provided at the facility. There are no bins for plastics yet at Valley’s recycling collection sites behind Smith’s and Albertson’s.

Valley has returned to taking plastics on a trial basis. If the bins remain free of foreign materials they will continue recycling plastics, and perhaps expand it to the Smith and Albertson’s sites. If not, they may shut down plastic recycling again. So please put only #1 bottles and #2 milk jugs in their plastics bins.

Valley also accepts aluminum cans and aluminum foil and pie plates at their facility on Highway 2, Put these in the blue container just inside the door at the NE corner of the building.