Highlights from May 1, 2017 Board Meeting
- Heard treasurer’s report. Total assets have increased from last year due mainly to the rising stock market .
- The 2018 MT Bird Festival will be hosted by FAS with a June 5 special board meeting on the subject.
- Agreed to donate $300 to United Way as appreciation for the use of our general meeting room.
- Heard report that the Birdathon is on track to be done similarly to previous years.
- Heard report that the Phenology Calendar is printed and the marketing process has been set up.
- Reviewed and approved the budget for 2017-2018 fiscal year.
- Heard Education Report from Denny Olson. He participated in or led many events with more to come through the rest of the spring and summer. The programs will have contacted approximately 6000 people. Still need an Education Committee chairperson.
- Heard that Joe Batts is still trying to get info from National Audubon concerning wording in our Constitution and Bylaw revisions.
2018 FAS Calendar now available!
After a one year hiatus, Flathead Audubon is back with a new phenology calendar for 2018. What is “phenology”? It’s the study of annual events and this calendar has more events than ever! Our knowledgeable Conservation Educator, Dennis Olson, has been busy filling every square…. 365 squares to be exact, chock full of natural history. In this calendar, you’ll find out when elk begin to round up their harems and what a “frog-cicle” is. In addition to the wonderful daily information, each month highlights some of the unique animals (and a bonus ecosystem) found on both sides of the “Crown of the Continent”. While the calendar for 2016 focused on the high alpine areas, the monthly features on this calendar focus on the flora and fauna on and in the slopes, forests, and meadows that extend from the rocky high places of Glacier National Park. We specifically chose beautiful and interesting photos that told a story and Dennis tells these stories below each photo.
These calendars are a perfect addition to your wall and make great gifts for friends and family. Pick them up at Flathead Audubon events and online at the Flathead Audubon website.
2017 OSNA Work Day
The long-awaited 2017 annual workday for the Owen Sowerwine Natural Area is scheduled for Saturday, 30 September. We’ll gather at the Montessori School on Willow Glen Drive at 9 AM. We’ll carpool to OSNA from Montessori and should be done by noon or a little after.
There are a few of the usual projects that need to be tackled –some trails cleared and mowed, some old fencing removed, and, of course, as always weeds to be addressed. Many hands make light work, so please come with work gloves and wearing old clothes appropriate for the weather. More information to follow at the September meeting and in the October Pileated Post.
This should be a fun and quick day as well as sprucing up OSNA. If you have any questions or suggestions or directions, please contact Bob Lee at 270-0371 or RML3@centurytel.net or Linda Winnie at 253-7430 or lindawin@centurytel.net.
Glass Recycling Has Moved!
New World Recycling has moved its glass recycling drop-off location to just south of Kalispell. This will continue to operate as a fee-based facility, $10 per 32 gallon container of glass. The fee helps maintain the facility and equipment for crushing glass, and the profit margin for the drop-off site is zero.
The new glass recycling drop-off is at 3452 Hwy 93 South, in a big yellow building next to the Western States Cat building, open Monday-Friday, 9AM-5:30PM, and Saturday 10AM-2PM. Only container glass (jars and bottles) are accepted — no drinking glasses, window glass, or ceramics.
Note that the Glacier Park Lodges recycling site also accepts glass: 1014 1st Ave W., Columbia Falls (just west of Montana Coffee Traders), open 24 hours, no charge. The glass drop off bins are located behind the big building.
For other news related to recycling in Flathead Valley, and for a full list of what can be recycled where, visit http://www.wastenotproject.org.
Woodpeckers Drilling Holes in Your House?
If this is happening to you, you may want to read what MT Fish, Wildlife & Parks has to offer. On their website, under Living With Wildlife, is a whole section on woodpeckers and how to deal with them. Check it out online at: http://fwp.mt.gov/fishAndWildlife/livingWithWildlife/woodpeckers/default.html or pick up the brochure at your local FWP office.