September 2020 Chirps and Squawks

Highlights from the May, July, and August  2020 Board meetings

May 4, 2020

  • Input was provided for Denny to create a final version of the Birds Rock! video, and ideas were offered about how best to publicize it and make it available to people.
  • A draft of the 2020-21 budget was reviewed, and there was discussion about potential income from the Day of Giving and Great Fish fundraising events by Whitefish Community Foundation.
  • A new 5-year agreement for the Jewell Basin Hawk Watch is written and being signed.

July 13, 2020

  • The 2020-21 budget was review line-by-line and finalized.
  • $3600 was allocated to contract with Joshua Covill to work with Denny to produce three more videos 
  • Cory reported that the negotiations for a long-term ownership solution for OSNA are narrowing down to one main option: a private easement project in conjunction with Flathead Land Trust.
  • Kay reminded: the Great Fish Challenge starts July 30; we should try to participate in the pop-up events. 
  • Discussion on how to hold a general meeting in the fall and present the monthly programs. 
  • Discussion and brainstorming are being done to find ways to offer outdoor field trips activities.

August 3, 2020

  • John Hughes has stepped down as the coordinator of the Bird-of-the-Month feature. Someone will need to assume this role; it doesn’t need to be a Board member.  Also, Kathy Ross has stepped down as Board Director, but will remain active helping with field trips.
  • Because we are unable to hold a general meeting with members present, several Board members will look into how to nonetheless hold elections in keeping with our By-Laws.
  • The Board gave the field trip committee the go-ahead to plan events, provided they are done safely, and within the mandates and guidelines issued by the CDC, State, and County.
  • Scheduling for Jewel Basin Hawk Watch will use Google calendar. This year Joshua Covill will be the contracted primary observer beginning mid-September.

Bird Feeders and Bears

Bird feeders are often a strong attractant to bears especially in the fall when they are trying to fatten up before entering their dens. Please consider not feeding birds until the bears have entered dens which usually happens by the end of November. Other attractants also create conflicts with bears. Montana FWP Bear and Lion Specialist Erik Wenum says ”We are urging people to step up their efforts in getting attractants secured; lock up the garbage, put the pet foods inside and pick the fruit. It’s unfortunate when we have to kill a bear. It’s not something we enjoy doing, but when a bear is fed human foods that is typically the outcome. If residents take responsibility and clean up all attractants, we will have fewer problems and fewer bears will need to be killed.” You may contact Erik Wenum at 756-1776 or 250-0062.

Renew your membership now!

Please renew your membership in Flathead Audubon by October 18. Dues for FAS membership are $25 for a basic membership, $40 for a supporting membership. This year we really need support for our excellent education program. We are the only organization in the Flathead Valley that offers free environmental education. You can renew right here on our website.

Thank You John Hughes

After a long and meritorious service as a member of the Newsletter Committee, John Hughes has stepped down. Flathead Audubon wishes to acknowledge John Hughes for his long and valuable service.  John contributed in many ways including recruiting authors for the Bird of the Month feature, gathering dates and summaries of the many Christmas Bird Counts in our area, reporting on  the Great Backyard Bird Count, and providing sound advice and recommendations for the newsletter.  We wish John well in his new home in Arizona.

OSNA Workday 2020

The 2020 Owen Sowerwine workday is scheduled for Saturday, 3 October 2020, beginning at 0900. We plan to meet at the Montessori School on Willow Glen; this will be confirmed as the date draws nearer. With all the COVID uncertainty, we will not enter the building and will gather in the parking lot instead. Projects will be planned so that social distancing can be maintained. Bring masks as well, please. More information will be available at the September FAS meeting and in the October issue of the Pileated Post. For more information, comments or suggestions, please call Bob Lee at 270-0371.