presented by David Manuwal
Dr. David Manuwal, who has studied birds in the western US for over 60 years, will be the featured speaker at the Monday, September 13 virtual meeting of the Flathead Audubon Society at 7 PM. (See below for how to join the Zoom meeting.)
Cicadas are large insects that occur all over the United States but there are only 5 species in Montana., but many more in the eastern part of the country. Dave visited Indiana in June and was able to experience this impressive emergence first-hand. He will talk about what he observed, the natural history of cicadas and the impact of birds on cicadas.
He received his undergraduate degree from Purdue University and a Master’s degree working with Dick Taber at the University of Montana in 1968. He received a PhD studying marine birds at UCLA in 1972. Dave taught and conducted bird research for 41 years at the University of Washington’s School of Environmental and Forest Sciences. After retiring in 2013 as Emeritus Professor of Wildlife Science, he is now an affiliate professor at UM. He now resides in Kalispell with his wife Naomi.
The program will be presented through the online Zoom platform on September 13th, 2021, at 7pm Mountain Time (you can hop on at 6:30pm to chat with fellow FAS members). Check your emailed Pileated Post for the link or email us at info@flatheadaudubon.org requesting the link with instructions to connect.
The program is free and open to the public.
Videos of earlier FAS meeting presentations are available at https://flatheadaudubon.org/videos.
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