Wings Across the Big Sky 2017 – Latest News

Montana Audubon will conclude the marking of its 40th Anniversary year with a “birthday celebration” at the June Bird Festival. Join us and learn how Montana Audubon began as a fledgling organization and hear highlights from four decades of conservation successes! David Ringer, Chief Network Officer with National Audubon, will share insights on bird protection and how he engages people with practical conservation solutions in his keynote address, “Protecting Birds and the Places they Need:  Today and Tomorrow.”

Upper Missouri Breaks Audubon (UMBA) has worked steadfastly to bring extra fun to this year’s festival with a Bird Calling contest, local vendors and great custom field trips. There will be many beautiful and creative desserts to choose from for our Dessert Auction, so come prepared to bid on one to enjoy at the banquet.

UMBA has also put together a diverse roster of field trips – but they are filling up fast, so please register as soon as possible. You can do so by mail, or online at Also—if staying overnight, be sure to reserve your rooms at the Best Western Plus Heritage Inn by calling 1-406-761-1900 or 1-800-548-8256. (Please mention that you are part of the Montana Audubon Bird Festival to get the group rate.) Contact Montana Audubon at (406) 443-3949 if you have any questions.

Recognize Your Peers!

Each year Montana Audubon recognizes individuals who work for the conservation and protection of birds and other wildlife by presenting Awards at the Saturday evening Bird Festival banquet. We are currently seeking nominations in the following categories:  Lifetime Achievement Award, Educator of the Year, Conservationist of the Year, Citizen Scientist of the Year, and Special Achievement Award. To make a nomination, download a nomination form from Nominations are due by May 19, 2017.  Mail completed forms to Montana Audubon, PO Box 595, Helena MT 59624.

Pre-Festival and Post-Festival Field Trips

This year, Upper Missouri Breaks Audubon Chapter (UMBA) is offering two Pre-Trips and one Post-Trip that are designed to extend your stay in Central Montana. As these trips are separate from the Wings Across the Big Sky Bird Festival, you register and pay for the trips directly to the UMBA Chapter. The Chapter will provide transportation from Great Falls and experienced leaders.

American Prairie Reserve:  June 7 – 9, 2017

Few places on earth have as intact prairie habitat and ecosystems as the American Prairie Reserve and Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge. View wildlife in rich environments, while learning about conservation and restoration efforts in the grassland region. Take a guided tour of the American Prairie Reserve. Enjoy a private excursion on Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge.

InFARMation:  June 9, 2017

The InFARMation Pre-Trip is a community Ag Advocacy Project to showcase Montana’s rich agricultural production. Signs are placed in fields to identify the different crops growing in the area, helping to make the traveling public more aware of the agriculture around them.

Missouri River Float Trip:  June 12, 2017

Join UMBA Chapter on an exciting birding adventure with beautiful mountain scenery on the Missouri River. This is a relatively leisurely float in the Wolf Creek Canyon area, with a fast current and a few riffles, with no rapids or white water.

UMBA’s website ( has a button on the main page with detailed information on the three trips.