Hooded Merganser at sunset Photo Credit: Dick Walker
Hooded Merganser at sunset Photo Credit: Dick Walker

Are you a photographer who would like to help conservation through your photography? Flathead Audubon is always looking for great photography to use in newsletters, on the website, through social media, and in calendars to help spread its conservation message.

PhotographersIf you would like to receive periodic photo calls for submissions, please sign up via the form below. You’ll need to make sure that you confirm your signup by checking your email. Once signed up, keep an eye on your inbox for photo calls requesting photographs relating to birds and conservation programs.

Note that under most circumstances, there will be no compensation for photos submitted. Attribution will be given where technologically possible. Photos will remain the property of the photographer and will be used for the purpose stated in the photo call. At any point, a photographer can unsubscribe from the list.