Earth Day 2022 Celebration Field Trip at Creston Fish Hatchery

by Darcy Thomas

Everybody had a bird they wanted to see and I think everyone got their wish today at the Creston Fish Hatchery. Ten birders watched an Osprey  at its’ nest and later watched as the same Osprey dove at a Bald Eagle in another tree a couple of times before the later flew away. We repeatedly watched a Belted Kingfisher fly up and down the creek and over the pond and trees. We talked about Sandhill Cranes before seeing two fly across the field, its’ rolling bugle catching our attention. We spoke about swans and then saw one floating at the far end of the pond.

Someone said they really wanted to see Wood Ducks and then we saw a beautiful pair. Another person hoped to see Chestnut-backed Chickadees and, lo and behold, one graced us with his presence. We looked and looked for the American Dipper and decided he might have moved to a new creek. Then he showed up to to let us know he was still there and he led us to his nest. We were all agog.

It made me wonder what other birds we might have seen had we only talked about them as well. A few of us had brought our sack lunches and sat at the picnic bench to eat and talk about books, life and birds. What a wonderful morning to share.