Steve Gniadek Receives Conservation Achievement Recognition

by Gael Bissell and Cory Davis We are excited to present our first 2017 Conservation Achievement Recognition to Steve Gniadek who is clearly one of the most dedicated conservation-minded people in the Flathead. Steve, who has assimilated extensive and diverse wildlife experiences throughout his career, is now a happily retired wildlife biologist living in the…

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Information Kiosk in Owen Sowerwine Natural Area Photo Credit: Linda Winnie

2017 OSNA Volunteer Monitoring Season Starts this Month

Can you help? From Linda Winnie, Co-Chair, Owen Sowerwine Committee Flathead Audubon’s OSNA Volunteer Monitoring Program starts its 11th year in March. This Program provides the on-site information that underpins our management of the Owen Sowerwine Natural Area. Reports from Volunteer Monitors keep our OSNA On-the-Ground Manager up to date on maintenance needs at Owen…

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