The 24th annual Kalispell Christmas Bird Count

The 24th annual Kalispell Christmas Bird Count will be held on Sunday, January 1, 2023. Centered at Reserve Street and Highway 93, the 15-mi diameter count circle includes Evergreen, much of the Flathead River corridor, Owen Sowerwine, Happy Valley, Herron Park, Egan Slough, Lonepine State Park and the Kuhn’s Wildlife Area. A popular New Year’s…

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Flathead Valley Bird Report – December 2022

by Dan Casey Rare and Notables – Oct/Nov 2022 Well, the unseasonably warm weather came to a rather abrupt halt in mid-October. By mid-November, the Sandhill Cranes had left, Tundra Swans and Snow Geese were passing through, and Rough-legged Hawks were here in good numbers. White-winged and Surf Scoters graced Foy’s Lake and scattered individual…

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