Field Trip Summary – Bison Range

by Darcy Thomas  A small group of four birders spent a lovely Indian Summer Day at the Bison Range. Our bird count was not large (23 taxa) but was varied as we saw both resident birds and migrators. The list included Red Crossbills, Evening Grosbeak, Townsend Solitaire, eagles, hawks, harriers, kestrel, kinglets, siskins, nuthatches, chickadees…

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Flathead Audubon Establishes Endowment Fund

by Rod Wallette Flathead Audubon is always looking to the future in securing our ongoing operations and promoting sustainability. To this end we have recently established a permanent endowment fund. This endowment is a permanent special account, held and invested by Whitefish Community Foundation. This endowment grows over time allowing Flathead Audubon to be able…

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Black-backed Woodpecker Picoides arcticus

by Sneed B. Collard III Scientific Name  Picus is Latin for woodpecker, from a legend in which the enchantress Circe turned Picus, the son of Saturn, into a woodpecker; -oides is Greek for “resembling,” so Picoides means “woodpecker-like”. The word arcticusis Latin for northern or arctic.  At first glance the newly burned forest looked devoid…

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