Kalispell CBC 2020 Results

by Pete Fisher The 22nd Kalispell Christmas Bird Count held on Sunday, January 3, 2021, recorded a total of 77 species, a number which is about average for this count. Highlights included the first ever Canvasback (small slough at southern end of Woodland Avenue) and first ever Short-eared Owl (hunting at dusk in West Valley…

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Bigfork CBC 2020 Results

by Craig Hohenberger  The 47th annual Bigfork Christmas Bird Count was held Saturday, December 19, under cloudy skies, periodic light showers, with mild to moderate SW winds throughout the day.  Snow depths were non-existent and/or limited to the higher eastern edges of the count circle; temperatures ranged from 36-46 degrees F. Lakes and ponds were…

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Eureka CBC 2020 Results

by Ellen Sullivan and Lewis Young  The 28th annual Eureka Christmas bird count was held on Friday, December 18 in mild weather that ranged from 34°F to 40°F. The count this year was conducted with appropriate Covid-19 protocols which accounted for a reduced number of field going observers. Sixteen people went to the field and…

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Christmas Bird Counts Are Different This Year

Due to pandemic restrictions on safely gathering, this year’s local Kalispell and Bigfork Christmas Bird Counts will not be taking volunteers. The coordinators will be relying on individuals who have conducted the counts in the past to conduct them this year. They will reach out to those individuals for assistance. If you’re a regular contributor…

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