Glacier CBC 2023 Results

by Lisa Bate, Wildlife Biologist, Glacier National Park Glacier National Park (GNP) held its annual Christmas Bird Count (CBC) on Sunday, December 17, 2023. Thirty participants contributed to this event by covering 10 different routes in Glacier and one bird feeder just outside the park, but within the circle. Participants spent the day counting all…

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Eureka CBC 2023 Results

by Ellen Sullivan and Lauren Michelsen The 31st annual Eureka Christmas Bird Count was held on Saturday, December 16, on a mild day that ranged from 27 degrees to 33 degrees. Koocanusa Reservoir was open as were parts of the streams, but smaller lakes and ponds were mostly frozen. Eighteen people went to the field…

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Bigfork CBC 2023 Results

by Craig Hohenberger  The 50th annual Bigfork Christmas Bird Count was held Saturday, December 16th, under cloudy skies (fog & stratus) with calm conditions. Snow depths were variable, with most areas in the valley essentially snow free. At the eastern edge of the count circle, snow depths ranged from zero to six inches. Temperatures ranged…

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Flathead Valley Bird Report – February 2024

Rare and Notables – December 2023/January 2024 As mild as it seemed going into the Christmas Bird Count (CBC) season, it certainly changed in early January! Pine Grosbeaks continued to show up throughout the area, but Bohemian Waxwings were present in much smaller numbers than usual. Rough-legged Hawk numbers were also surprisingly low. Common Loons…

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Flathead Valley Bird Report – January 2024

by Dan Casey Rare and Notables – November/December 2023 Winter was slow to arrive, and our avifauna did not change much from the previous month. Scoters continued at Foy’s Lake; all three of our largest falcon species made appearances. Steller’s Jays, Pine Grosbeaks and Common Redpolls were widespread, but Bohemian Waxwing numbers did not build…

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A Successful Raptor Quest

by Darcy Thomas The first day of November brought overcast skies to the Flathead Valley making the 30 degree outside temperature feel even colder. But that was not daunting enough to stop 11 birders intent on looking for raptors around Creston. And we were well rewarded. The first bird seen was a Sharp-shinned Hawk flying…

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Sixteenth Jewel Basin Hawk Watch Season Wrap-Up

by Dan Casey, JBHW Coordinator The 2023 migration season at the Jewel Basin Hawk Watch concluded on November 1, when Jake Bramante counted 26 birds during our 47th survey of the season. We finished the season with a total of 3,131 birds counted (10.5/hr) our fourth highest. It was also a season of diversity; we…

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