Conservation Educator’s Niche – January 2020

by Denny Olson I’m spoiled I’ve always been a student of nature, gleaning factoids and evaluating the quality of evidence about the health of our wild environment. I’ve been able to teach what I have learned – about in equal measure to my continuing efforts as a student – to literally hundreds of thousands of…

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Conservation Educator’s Niche – December 2019

The Meta-Threat by Dennis Olson In the last Pileated Post, FAS Board member Carole Jorgensen and Post Editor Lewis Young wrote two wonderful short summaries of two separate “meta-studies” – regarding the 29% decline in North American bird populations in the last 50 years, and, respectively, an Audubon study outlining the 64% of North American…

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Conservation Educator’s Niche – September 2019

by Denny Olson Well, we are nearing the end of that chronically over-planned, not-enough-time-in-the-universe-as-we-understand-it, time we call “summer”. And I have to say … it has been fun! Five weeks of teaching senior citizens about birds and life in Glacier, four days of Audubon and Road Scholar grandparents and grandkids with talented FAS volunteers, many…

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Conservation Educator’s Niche – March 2019

Big Possibilities for Local Bird Education by Denny Olson Partly because our local schools are cash-strapped for bus money, opportunities for public school outdoor education seem to be shrinking. With our local economy increasingly tied to outdoor experiences – and with what we know about how important natural outdoor experiences are in the intellectual and…

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Education Committee News – March 2019

by Gail Shay Linne, Education Chair Denny Olson, Conservation Educator, presented an ambassador training on January 7, 2019 at the Lone Pine State Park Visitors Center. Shannon Donaldson and her son Bridger Donaldson, Jennifer Dodan, Pat Jaquith and Pam Willison attended the three-hour workshop. FAS Education Committee members Amy Jacobs, Rod Wallette and Gail Linne…

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