by Margaret Parodi
Effective July 1, 2023, everyone ages 12 and older will need a Montana Conservation License to access most State Lands (does not include State Parks). Since there are numerous Audubon field trips that do use State lands, we encourage all Audubon members and field trip participants to get this license. Fishing access sites (FAS), wildlife management areas (WMA), wildlife habitat protection areas (WHPA), and Montana state trust lands are examples of where this license is needed. The Conservation license “year” is March 1- February 28. This license is already included in the fishing and hunting licenses. You can also buy the conservation license on its own. They are available at all places you can buy fishing or hunting licenses, such as Fish, Wildlife & Parks (FWP), sporting goods stores, some gas station/convenience stores, or online from FWP. ( For Montana residents the cost is: Adults $8, Seniors (62+) $4, Youth (12-17) $4. Non-residents are $10.