Highlights from the March 4, 2024 Board of Directors Meeting

  • Rod Wallette and Jake Bramante explained that Stripe has been dropped and Woo Commerce will now be used for online transactions.
  • Rod Wallette discussed the benefits of closing the Glacier Bank and Whitefish Credit Union accounts and moving the Flathead Audubon accounts to Three Rivers Bank. Motions to open a non-profit checking account and Pinnacle Savings account were both approved unanimously. 
  • Dee Baginski has been busy with the website, newsletter, and the baling twine/osprey project.  Murdoch’s in Columbia Falls has brochures about baling twine and osprey nests. 
  • Cindy Roberts reported that the education kits are quite popular, and they are in good shape when returned. 
  • Denny Olson is leading a lot of field trips and can often use volunteers to help. Contact Denny if you can lend a hand.
  • It was noted that the Owen Sowerwine Conservation Easement was finalized.
  • Linda Du Lac explained that she and Linda Winnie will use details from the History Project to update member information in LGL.
  • Shannon Donaldson discussed her ongoing work with the Junior Bird Club. This includes obtaining volunteers, finding suitable locations, and drafting a safety policy for the program. 
  • Kay Mitchell updated all the paperwork for the Great Fish Community Challenge and will submit the application.

Get ready for the Annual May Silent Auction and Potluck Dinner


  • Monday, May 13 
  • Doors open at 5pm
  • Potluck Dinner and Silent Auction start at 6pm 
  • Program (TBA) begins at 6:45pm
  • Clean out your closets and bring a potluck dish to share. Please bring your own plates, eating utensils and cups. Cake will be provided.

The annual Silent Auction is the perfect time to gather all the valuable “stuff” that you’ve squirreled away. Gather up bird books, outdoor gear, artwork, live bedding plants, homemade pies and cookies, bird houses and feeders and other bird-related items for auction. Please be prepared to take your items home if they do not receive a bid.

Officers and Board Members will also be elected. Please consider joining the Board of Directors!

Nongame Wildlife Tax Check-off

When filling out your Montana tax form this year, think “wildlife” by donating to the Nongame Wildlife Program, found on Form 2, page 11, under Contributions. If your taxes are prepared, tell your accountant that you want to donate to wildlife! Your contributions are tax deductible on next year’s return. Montana has more than 500 species of “nonage” animals that benefit from public support each year at tax time. Since 1983, the check-off has contribute over $27,000 annually to this important wildlife program.

2024 Director Nominations

Each spring, Flathead Audubon Society elects officers and directors for their dedication and leadership. FAS elects officers for a two-year term, alternating with president and vice president one year, and secretary and treasurer the next. This is the year for secretary and treasurer candidacies. Michele Tohtz has announced that she is interested in running for the secretarial position. Rod Wallette has agreed to run for another term as Treasurer. Both Michele and Rod will be the Nominating Committee’s candidates.

There are three directors up for re-election: Dan Casey, Kay Mitchell, and Jake Bramante. Dan is not running this year, but Kay and Jake are, and will be nominated by the committee. There is no limit on the number of directors that can be on the Board, so if you are interested in joining our family, please talk with one of our officers or directors. We currently do not have a vice president. Please consider running for this position.

We will publish a list of the candidates in the May Pileated Post. Please give these nominees due consideration, then attend the FAS general meeting on May 13 to vote, as well as enjoy a great potluck.