2023 Troy Christmas Bird Count

The 2023 Troy Christmas Bird Count will be held on Saturday, December 30th.  For more information or to get involved contact Don Jones at don@donaldmjones.com or 406-546-3832.

2023 Kalispell Christmas Bird Count

The 25th annual Kalispell CBC will take place on New Year's Eve, Sunday, December 31. The Kalispell count area is a large circle, 15-miles in diameter, centered at the junction of Highway 93 and Reserve Drive by Home Depot. From Happy Valley to the north and Herron Park to the south, Fairview Marsh to the east...

Avian Predators in Glacier National Park

Gateway West Community Room 26 1203 U.S. Rte 2, Kalispell, MT

Presented by Jami Belt and Jess Garby Glacier National Park (GNP) hosts a large diversity of birds, and few are as charismatic as two of our top level predators – the Common Loon and Golden Eagle. While these birds inhabit very different haunts, both come to GNP as summer breeding residents and exist in very...

Flathead Valley Raptor Prowl

Gateway Mall parking lot (United Way building)

Dan Casey will lead us on a tour of the open country favored by winter raptors in the West Valley, Creston and/or Lower Valley area near Somers. Our route will be finalized based on local raptor surveys, and we will focus on the roadside identification of the varied forms and plumages of Red-tailed and Rough-legged Hawks....

Winter River Bottomland: Birds, Tracks, Hydrology and Plant Adaptations  

Kalispell Montessori Elementary School parking lot 349 Willow Glen Dr, Kalispell, Montana

Meet at Kalispell Montessori Elementary School parking lot (weather permitting) and join FAS Conservation Educator and long-time teaching naturalist Denny Olson on a winter hike through Owen Sowerwine. Winter birds, bird songs, tracking, botanizing, and seat-of-the-pants interpretation will be the unstructured itinerary. This is one of the best spots in the area to see Pileated...

Birds of Prey Tour in the Mission Valley

Join Laura Katzman of Flathead Land Trust and Jess Garby on Saturday, February 3, 9am-3pm for a tour of the Mission Valley to look for wintering birds of prey. Jess Garby has worked extensively studying migrating raptors in the west, and Laura Katzman has been working to protect farmland in the Mission Valley that is...

A Naturalist’s Journey to Antarctica

Room 26 of the Gateway Mall (United Way building)

Presented by Lou Bruno Join Lou Bruno on an incredible epic journey aboard the National Geographic Explorer to the Antarctic, South Georgia and the Falkland Islands. This is the world of snow-capped peaks, icebergs, pristine endless seas, and an unbelievable diversity of marine mammals and pelagic birds. He will offer a naturalist’s perspective on the...

Natives Rule! Converting your space into a bird sanctuary

Room 26 of the Gateway Mall (United Way building)

Join three native landscaping experts and view a Flathead Audubon produced video about how plants and animals become “native”, and how intricately woven the millions of relationships between natives form the balance of nature – especially those relationships between plants, insects, and birds. Popcorn optional! Learn how to create a native plant garden and protect...

Spring Waterfowl at Church Slough and Lower Valley Wetlands

Church Slough

Join Darcy Thomas will for a field trip to view returning waterfowl in the Lower Valley and Somersarea wetlands. Mid to late March is the prime time to see large flocks of incoming migrants,including seasonal specialties such as Greater Scaup and Eurasian Wigeon. If the conditions areright, it is possible to see thousands of waterfowl...

Freezout Lake Snow Geese Migration

On Tuesday and Wednesday, April 2nd and 3rd, join Darcy Thomas to see the annual Snow Geese migration at Freezout Lake. Watch the geese on their journey from their wintering grounds to their arctic nesting areas. They stop over at Freezout Lake Wildlife Management Area (WMA) near Choteau to rest and feed for a few...

The Life and Science Behind Arctic Shorebird Nest Monitoring

Gateway West Community Room 26 1203 U.S. Rte 2, Kalispell, MT

 The Arctic takes up a massive part of our globe yet remains an area that seems foreign and mysterious, with a landscape that is hard to comprehend. Unless from a place in the Arctic, most people will not get a chance to visit it, especially in a way that allows us to interact intimately with...

Bird and Wildlife Photography

Kalispell Library meeting room 247 1st Ave E, Kalispell, Montana, United States

Thursday, April 11, 3-5pm and Saturday, April 13, 8am-approx. 11am. Join Erin Braaten (Dancing Aspens Photography) and Jake Bramante to learn how to take better photos of birds. We will have an initial, indoor instructional meeting on Thursday, April 11 from 3 to about 5pm in the Kalispell Library meeting room (in the basement). An...