Beauties of the Bison Range

National Bison Range Moiese, MT

Join Darcy Thomas to savor the beauties of the Bison Range in Moiese. The Bison Range is home to many birds such as Bald and Golden Eagles, Lewis’s Woodpeckers, Red-naped Sapsuckers, Willow Flycatchers, Lazuli Buntings, and Grasshopper Sparrows. There is also wonderful native vegetation and many animals including Bison, White-tail and Mule deer, Elk, pronghorn,...

Warbler Weekend at Tally Lake

Tally Lake Campground Tally Lake Camp C Rd, Whitefish, MT

Join FAS at the Tally Lake Campground for an extraordinary three days of birding and relaxing. There is space for RVs and tents for those who want to spend the nights (checkout time is 11am). This is an ideal time of year to find a wide variety of migrant and resident birds; most notable is...

Bad Rock Canyon Bird Walk

Come spend a morning walking the trails at Bad Rock Canyon WMA by Columbia Falls with Darcy Thomas and Michel De Leon Tyler. We will walk up to three miles on level ground while we look for warblers and other songbirds, flycatchers, and woodpeckers. You will need a Conservation License forthis walk which can be...

Firebrand Pass Trailhead Birding

FIrebrand Pass

Summer Songbirds and Native Flora abound at the Firebrand Pass Trailhead area in Glacier Park. Join Steve Gniadek (Flathead Audubon) and Kathy Ross (MNPS/FAS) in the appreciation of our returning migratory birds. We will explore the wetlands, mixed forest, and grassland habitats near the trailhead for waterfowl and many species of neotropical migrants including Olive-sided...