2020 FAS Election Results

by Bob Lee

As you all know by now, Flathead Audubon postponed their annual meeting and FAS opted to hold elections and other business via a proxy vote. Ballots were mailed in and counted at a specially-called Board Meeting held at Lone Pine State Park. Officers and Directors in attendance were Gael Bissell, Rod Wallette and Bob Lee. There were 30 ballots cast. The slate of Officer candidates and the slate of Director candidates were elected unanimously. The ByLaw change passed with 26 “for”, 2 “against” and 2 abstentions. This means that our continuing Secretary is Pam Willison and continuing Treasurer is Rod Wallette. The Directors for the 2020-2023 term are Joe Batts, Carole Jorgenson, Mike Fanning, Bob Lee, Cindy Roberts and Tom Roberts. The ByLaw change authorizes FAS to conduct business via electronic meetings.

Pam Willison generously donated two bluebird houses to encourage voting. Mary Auxier and Elaine Snyder are the lucky recipients of those birdhouses. I will be contacting them to arrange a hand-off. It pays to be active! And I am sure they will enjoy the birds that use the houses.

I want to thank everyone who participated in this unusual (at least for Flathead Audubon) election. The pandemic has made us all get creative and, hopefully, more tolerant. Good Birding!!