by Dan Kotter
I have lived in the Flathead / Glacier area for roughly 10 years while working for the NPS, USGS, Glacier Park Boat Co, and Univ. of Montana. Most of my work is related to Ecology, especially the abiotic role in ecosystem processes. I value avian ecology through the lens of the migratory and niche-use hard science as well as the educational and community conservation framework.
Connecting bird occupancy and diversity NW Montana conservation planning is just as important to connect the storytelling of migratory birds and ecological connections to both older and younger generations. I have bird lists throughout the Flathead and will usually change my plans for rare bird sightings (but still haven’t viewed a Snowy Owl…).
I have been in Ecuador for a little under a year while visiting, volunteering, and interacting with researchers on several bird reserves and motivated to contribute new ideas for conservation and education.
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