Renew your membership now!

by Linda Du Lac

Many of our members have their Flathead Audubon Society (FAS) membership expiring this month. Not sure when your membership expires? I’m Linda Du Lac, our Membership Chair and would be happy to check your expiration date. Contact me at

Your membership makes a huge impact on the many important education and conservation programs FAS offers. It also supports our monthly Pileated Post newsletter and enables FAS to offer free fall and spring birding field trips led by some of the best birders in the region.

A $25 basic membership, or $40 supporting membership can be renewed online at our Join Page or by using the membership form on the same page Please include your email address with your renewal so we can email our Pileated Post e-newsletter and Flathead Audubon Fly-by, which bring you occasional FAS updates, notifications and reminders.