by Rod Wallette
Flathead Audubon Society (FAS) participated in the Great Fish Community Challenge for our third year, in what has now become our primary fundraising source. We had another successful campaign and raised enough funds to qualify for a percentage of the Challenge matching funds by raising $27,094. The matching amount of $9,708 brought our total amount for last year’s Great Fish to $36,802.
Our education program continues to be FAS’s primary focus and our only paid position is a part time Education Coordinator contractor. The education program comprises approximately 67 percent of our expenditures with the remainder supporting the Jewel Basin Hawk Watch, Owen Sowerwine and our overhead expenses.
This past year was another strong year for revenue, but with a large one-time expenditure for trail improvement at Owen Sowerwine, we ended the year with a small negative balance. Our financial statements, tax returns and FAS policies are available for review on our website. The FAS board had voted to commit $100,000 toward the Owen Sowerwine Conservation Easement fundraising efforts that are being led by the Flathead Land Trust (FLT). FLT, Flathead Lakers and FAS are working in partnership to accomplish this fundraising challenge.
Our fundraising efforts started at the end of 2022 and to date FAS has raised a total of $101,104 toward the conservation easement. This fundraising effort was given a significant boost by the Whitefish Community Foundation and their award of a $50,000 community grant to FAS. This grant was the result of efforts by Kay Mitchell, FAS Board member. Our permanent endowment fund is in place and now available for contributions. This is a great new opportunity to make a permanent difference in supporting Flathead Audubon Society’s mission statement and goals.