Highlights from the May 1, 2023 Board of Directors Meeting
- Cory Davis reviewed the contract for the Conservation Education Specialist, and noted that it was revised to add more quantifiable requirements, and to emphasize our priority for doing in-class presentations and related field trips. The contract was approved.
- Darcy, Cory, Rod, and Linda will prepare a job description for a part-time contract for administrative support. They will use a spreadsheet prepared from input from each Committee Chair about tasks they need help completing. It is our goal to have this person in place by August.
- Progress reports: the Great Fish application is on schedule (Kay); tours and kayak trips for Owen Sowerwine are scheduled for July (Gael); Birdathon details are set and website registration is being set up (Shannon, Jake); Warbler Weekend is ready to go (Margaret), and there are now walkie-talkies for field trips (Darcy).
- Dan Casey reported that he is seeking a second paid primary spotter for Hawk Watch, and is following up on some leads.
Please Lend a Hand
Many hands make light work, and we need more hands to help with the work we do. This can be done in many small ways that don’t take a lot of time or commitment. If you want to lend your hand, please choose a task from the following list:
- Write an article for the newsletter
- Lead a field trip
- Volunteer a couple of hours at one of the Great Fish Community Challenge events
- Volunteer to help at an Owen Sowerwine Work Day
- Help a committee chair with a job
Contact Darcy Thomas at darcy@flatheadaudubon.org
Revisiting Our Mission
As a local chapter of the National Audubon Society, we, as members of Flathead Audubon, should take a moment to revisit our Mission Statement and reflect on what we have been doing as an organization to live up to what the statement entails.
- Our Mission is to conserve birds, wildlife habitat, and ecosystem diversity – Flathead Audubon and Montana Audubon jointly hold the license for Owen Sowerwine from the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation, and Flathead Audubon serves as the local manager of the area.
- We promote awareness and appreciation of the natural world through educational activities and advocacy programs – Flathead Audubon offers innovative K-12 and adult nature education programs, focusing on the beauty and value of birds to our ecosystem, community and culture, with school materials, videos, adult classes, presentations, field trips and family events.
- We work with diverse groups and agencies to achieve sound decisions on natural resource issues – Flathead Audubon works in partnership with other organizations to provide conservation protection for local at-risk bird and wildlife habitat in Flathead County.
- While focusing our efforts in Northwest Montana, we believe in the protection of the Earth and all of its inhabitants -Flathead Audubon engages in carefully selected conservation issues and promotes activities and lifestyles that are friendly to the environment.