by Darcy Thomas
Please give a big shout-out to our fabulous Bird of the Month (BOM) authors who wrote great articles for your reading enjoyment this year. Sneed Collard gave us the Black-backed Woodpecker, Theresa Ciraolo imparted her newfound love of the Common Merganser, Kat Peterson imparted her knowledge of the American Crow, Karen Nichols spoke of the amazing Golden-crowned Kinglet, Nora Roberts shared her experience with the Harlequin Duck, and Bridger Donaldson penned a piece on the beautiful Steller’s Jay.
I rounded out the year with a little of my own writing on the American Redstart, Red-breasted Nuthatch and Osprey. If you haven’t had a chance to read all of these articles, please take the time to do so. You will not be disappointed. BOM authors help make our newsletter special and I hope they will return next year with more stories about the birds they love. If any new author has an inclination to write a piece for next year, I’d love to hear from you!