Education Committee News – November 2018

by Gail Shay Linne, Education Chair

We have had a productive September. Two meetings were held during which we outlined ways to bring educational programs to students and the community. We are considering several grants; funds would help us incorporate climate, conservation, ecology, the value of birds and to add thumb drives of the trunks’ contents. We are exploring ways to involve high school students from Community School and the Creativity Action Service programs in making these additions too. Audubon members will have the opportunity to view our new trunk, “Chickadee Who’s Who: Bird Identification Basics” during an upcoming general meeting where it will be on display.

Flathead Audubon’s educational trunks are stored at Lone Pine State Park and are available all year. All community members are welcome to check out a trunk for use with students or adults. Visit our trunk page to look at the available trunks and check one out We have Audubon ambassadors who will deliver and return a trunk to you.

Our committee is pleased to share that our October 16 committee meeting was held at Whitefish School District’s Center for Sustainability and Entrepreneurship (CSE). The Center provides applied learning experiences for K-12 students in Whitefish and throughout the Flathead Valley. Randy Hohf from the Center spoke with us and then led a tour of the facility. To learn more about this Whitefish School District’s valuable community asset go to :