2017 Annual May Potluck Meeting Recap

by Marylane Pannell

Past FAS Presidents, May 2017 – Photo Credit: John Winnie Sr.

The annual potluck dinner and meeting of the Flathead Audubon Society was held on May 8, 2017 at the Whitefish Community Center.

In celebration of Flathead Audubon’s 40th Birthday, Kay Mitchell and Linda Winnie introduced the eleven former FAS Presidents and five former FAS Newsletter Editors who were present at the meeting. Pictures of these two groups are on the FAS website (“FAS Presidents and Editors Honored…”)

FAS elected President, Kay Mitchell, Vice President, Gael Bissell and a new director, Rod Wallette at our annual business meeting.

Our Constitution and ByLaws committee comprised of Kay Mitchell, Bob Lopp, Bob Lee and Joe Batts proposed changes to our current documents.  The changes are listed in the May newsletter and were accepted at the May 8, 2017 annual meeting.

Dr. Eric Greene of UM presented a fascinating program about Ospreys – explaining Osprey biology and ecology, as well as introducing some of the individual Ospreys he has worked with. He showed some amazing slow motion footage of an osprey diving head first into the water, which displayed how Ospreys dislocate their shoulders on the way down to avoid breaking bones on impact.

FAS Treasurer Joe Batts reports that we netted $1,157.00 from the silent auction. That’s $300 more than last year. Thanks to all who brought items for the silent auction, and to all those who contributed to FAS with their purchases.