April 2018 Chirps and Squawks

Highlights from March 5, 2018 Board Meeting

  • A spreadsheet for grants has been created to better track our grant requests and success. We did not receive the Forest Service Citizen Science grant. We will be participating in the Whitefish Community Foundation fund raiser this year.
  • Road Scholar could use a few more volunteers this summer.
  • We have decided not to accept the Wiley-Robbins Homestead Center as a donation to Flathead Audubon. We will continue to work with Dean on an agreement to continue using the area.
  • Remaining calendars will be donated and distributed to area schools.
  • A couple of names were put forward for Board nominations. More candidates would be welcome.

Nongame Wildlife Tax Check-off

When filling out your Montana tax form this year, think “wildlife” by donating to the Nongame Wildlife Program, found on line 18a (short EZ form) or 69a (long form). If your taxes are prepared, tell your accountant that you want to donate to wildlife! Your contributions are tax deductible on next year’s return. Look for the soaring Bald Eagle in the instruction booklet. Montana has more than 500 species of “nongame” animals that benefit from public support each year at tax time. Since 1983, the check-off has contributed over $27,000 annually to this important wildlife program.

Family Forestry Expo for 2018

The 29th Family Forestry Expo will take place at Stoltze Lumber’s Ron Buntemeyer Educational Forest located north of Kalispell along Trumbull Creek on Saturday, 12 May, from 9 AM — 3 PM. This is a free family-oriented event that offers a hands-on understanding of the role that local forests play in our everyday lives. Expo visitors get to explore how the different parts of a forest are connected to make up a dynamic ecosystem, how people and all parts of the environment are dependent on one another, and how each affects the other.  There is a free “loggers lunch,” demonstrations, exhibits, and a forest walk with many educational stops, including one run by Flathead Audubon Society.

FAS has maintained an exhibit at the Family Forestry Expo for many years and are always looking for volunteers to help show Expo visitors the value and beauty of birds. If you enjoy being outdoors on a spring day and talking to people of all ages about forests, and especially birds, please contact Denny Olson, the FAS Conservation Educator, at auduboneducator@ gmail.com. Or you can grab him at the general meeting. Whether you are a volunteer, participant or just want to enjoy a day in the woods, everyone is welcome to come on out to the Forestry Expo on Saturday, 12 May.


Thursday, April 19, 6 PM, Native Plant Trivia Night.

Grab some friends, eat good food and put on your thinking cap! Trivia starts at 6 PM. Each brew sold from 5-8 will benefit the Montana Native Plant Society, so bring a designated driver and help out Native Plants! Backslope Brewing, 1107 9th St. W (N side of HWY 2), Columbia Falls. This is not an event designed for native plant experts, but will be fun for everyone. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC – ALL ARE MOST WELCOME!!