Get ready for the May 2018 Annual Potluck!

Past FAS Newsletter Editors, May 2017 – Photo Credit: John Winnie Sr

The Flathead Audubon May 2018 Annual Potluck (and last general meeting of the season) is coming! Bring a potluck item, your own plate and silverware, and a few silent auction items. Prepare for a wonderful evening of hanging out with your fellow birders, a great presentation, a silent auction, and a fun potluck.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Whitefish Community Center

121 Second Street, Whitefish

Program: To be announced

Doors Open 5:00 PM,  Potluck Dinner 6:00 PM,  Meeting Begins 7:00 PM.

Be sure to arrive early enough to look over and bid on silent auction items! Officers and Board Members will be elected.

Silent Auction

It’s Coming! – The annual Silent Auction at the Flathead Audubon May Potluck. Now’s the perfect time to gather all of the valuable “stuff” that you might be able to live without. Popular items at past Silent Auctions have been bird books, outdoor gear, art work, live bedding plants, homemade pies and cookies and bird houses and feeders of all kinds. This is your opportunity to be a Primo Recycler!

Call for Nominations

Another election will soon be upon us: the one for new FAS Board of Directors members. At the annual meeting in May, FAS will elect a Secretary and Treasurer as well as new Director positions. Please start thinking about some people that you would like to see guide Flathead Audubon in the near future. The person who sat next to you at the last meeting is likely a good choice. And the person sitting in your seat is also a good choice! If you know of someone who would be a good leader, please contact Bob Lee (270-0371 or Someone from the Nominations Committee will talk with them about roles and responsibilities and get hopefully them on the ballot. And anyone that would like to serve on the Nominations Committee should also contact Bob.