Highlights from the November 1, 2021 Board of Directors Meeting
- A representative of Whitefish Community Foundation gave a presentation about the endowment opportunities they offer. The BOD will discuss the options at their next meeting.
- Treasurer Rod Wallette reported that we received the funds from the Great Fish event, and he allocated them to Education, OSNA, Birds of Prey Festival, and Hawk Watch.
- Gael Bissell completed an application for a $5000 grant offered by Mountain Dew, which would be used to purchase 25-30 pair of good quality binoculars which could be used for classroom outings, field trips, and Hawk Watch.
- Gael reported she has started working with Montana Audubon and Flathead Land Trust to put together a fund-raising strategy to support the Conservation Easement proposed for OSNA.
- Carole Jorgensen noted that there are so many conservation issues that it’s a challenge to choose which should be mentioned in a PP article. It was agreed that articles should be about issues where members can take action to help.
Thanks To Those Who Have Renewed Their Membership
Thanks to all our loyal members who have renewed for this year! Flathead Audubon could not accomplish the important things we do without you. Most important, our education program would not exist without your support.
Note to those who have not yet renewed: Normally you would not be receiving The Pileated Post this month without renewing but this year we are allowing an extra month because the renewal period was extended to November 15. Thanks again.
Mike Fanning, Membership Chair
We are sending The Pileated Post to all those who donated to Flathead Audubon through The Great Fish. If you do not wish to receive it please notify Mike Fanning at shrdlu@centurytel.net or 406-862-8070.
Amazon Smile
Sign up for AmazonSmile before Christmas shopping and benefit FAS. A portion of each purchase goes to FAS when you select them as your recipient. AmazonSmile is now available in a shopping app for iPhone and Android users. Find out more of how to enable these features by going to the Amazon Smile page and clicking on the “Available in the App” link.