Tag: Pine Siskin
Glacier National Park CBC 2021 Results
in Birdingby Lisa Bate Glacier National Park (GNP) held its annual Christmas Bird Count (CBC) on Sunday, December 19, 2021. Twenty-two participants contributed to this event by covering 10 different routes […]
Pine Siskins
Now we see them, now we don’t by Linda De Kort Every December, on specific days, members of local Audubon Chapters gather in small groups to observe and record the […]
Kalispell Christmas Bird Count 2018 Results
in BirdingThe 20th Kalispell Christmas Bird Count was held on Sunday, December 30. Milder than usual weather (28-35˚ F) and minimal snow cover (2 inches) made for an interesting count. This […]
Yellow-rumped Warbler
By Linda DeKort If you ask when Yellow-rumped Warblers will be returning to our valley, Bruce Tannehill, from Flathead Audubon, will tell you immediately, “between April 25th and May 1st”. […]