Flathead Valley Bird Report – March 2023

by Dan Casey Rare and Notables – JAN/FEB 2023 The latter half of January and the first half of February can often be the slowest birding season of the year. Crusted snow and ice can decrease habitat suitability for seedeaters and raptors, and many waterbodies are frozen. Such was the case this winter, and few…

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March 2023 Program – Investigating Non-Invasive Survey Methods for Studying the Harlequin Duck

Presented by Holli Holmes One glance at a Harlequin Duck (HADU) and even non-birders know they’ve seen something special. HADU are whitewater specialists and one of the hardiest sea ducks there are. They spend eight months of the year along the costs of sub-arctic and arctic regions then migrate to fast moving, whitewater mountain streams…

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Conservation Educator’s Niche – February 2023

by Denny Olson From a recent, unfortunately unattributed, social media post … “When Florence Merriam Bailey was born in 1863, birds were more often seen ornamenting women’s hats than they were in the wild. In fact, on one walk through Manhattan in 1886, she counted 40 different species, stuffed and mounted for fashion. The pioneering…

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Surrounding NW Montana CBC 2022 Results

Upper Swan CBC December 15 Upper Swan held its annual Christmas Bird Count on Thursday, December 15, with nine field observers. We had decent weather with temperatures ranging from 19 to 27, cloudy skies, and wind at 7 mph.  Most still water was frozen and moving water was partly open. Snow depths ranged from six…

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