Flathead Audubon Supports Full Cleanup of Aluminum Smelter Superfund Site

by Shirley Folkwein, Coalition for a Clean CFAC Thank you, Flathead Audubon, for your support by joining the efforts of the Coalition for a Clean CFAC requesting the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pause in their decision-making process to evaluate the cost benefits of removing (not leaving) the toxic waste fully and fairly at the CFAC…

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2024 Flathead County Science Fair Awards

by Denny Olson Brecken Thorn wins Best Wildlife Conservation Science Project award from Flathead Audubon for his project at the 2024 Flathead County Science Fair. Brecken did an amazing study about fire resistance in the barks of local trees. Black-backed and Three-toed Woodpeckers, Nuthatches and Lewis’ Woodpeckers will appreciate Brecken educating us about these important…

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Flathead Lakers to be Recognized for Conservation Achievements

by Gael Bissell and Linda Winnie The Flathead Lakers will be presented with the Flathead Audubon Society’s 2024 partnership Conservation Achievement Recognition at the May 13 general meeting. Based in Polson, Montana, the Flathead Lakers have been hard at work for the last 65 years helping protect water quality, floodplains, and critical habitats in the…

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Earth Day EXPO 2024

“Uniting Nature and Technology”, sponsored by Citizen’s Climate Lobby Saturday, April 20, 9am-4pm, Arts and Technology building, FVCC Kids’ Activities (including birding!), panel discussions, workshops and 25 booths representing local organizations. Don’t miss Flathead Audubon’s workshop, “Canaries in the Coal Mine: Birds & Climate” presented by Denny Olson, Flathead Audubon Conservation Educator. Watch a 28-minute…

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2024 Long-billed Curlew Surveys

by Lauren Smith, MT Audubon Communications Specialist Spring is fast approaching, and with that comes the familiar “cur-leeee” call of the Long-billed Curlew, an icon of America’s prairies. These birds depend on Montana’s grasslands for breeding and continue to decline across their range due to loss of habitat owing to development. With this decline, more…

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Flathead Valley Bird Report – April 2024

By Dan Casey Rare and Notables – February/March 2024 In typical fashion, early March was a time for waterfowl migration to begin in earnest, with good numbers of Northern Pintails present by the end of the period, and multiple sightings of Eurasian Wigeon, Greater White-fronted and Snow Geese. First-of-year (FOY) arrivals included Varied Thrushes, Western…

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