Montana Audubon News – March 2021

by Carmen Borchelt, MT Audubon LBCU Citizen Science Announcement Are you ready to hear the ‘currlleeee’ of the Long-billed Curlew?  Well, grab your binoculars and get ready, because it’s almost curlew season!  These charismatic shorebirds will be trickling back into the state in less than two months and we need your help finding as many…

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March 2021 Program

Trumpeter Swan Ecology and Reintroduction presented by Franz Ingelfinger The Trumpeter Swan has made a remarkable recovery throughout Northwest Montana, thanks to a multiple-decade’s long re-introductory effort involving several cooperators. Today, swans breeding throughout the Flathead are the direct decedents of those efforts. Franz will discuss Trumpeter Swan ecology, reintroduction, and current efforts to utilize…

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Kalispell CBC 2020 Results

by Pete Fisher The 22nd Kalispell Christmas Bird Count held on Sunday, January 3, 2021, recorded a total of 77 species, a number which is about average for this count. Highlights included the first ever Canvasback (small slough at southern end of Woodland Avenue) and first ever Short-eared Owl (hunting at dusk in West Valley…

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Glacier National Park CBC 2020 Results

by Lisa Bate  Glacier National Park (GNP) held its annual Christmas Bird Count on Sunday, December 20, 2020. Twenty-nine participants contributed to this event by covering 10 different routes in Glacier, and 2 bird feeders in West Glacier. Participants spent the day counting all bird species and individuals detected. The weather started dismally with rain,…

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